Add Concentrator Harvesters to compound into asdCRV


This proposal suggests adding Concentrator Harvesters on the biggest pools to compound into asdCRV. This would allow Concentrator Harvesters to earn additional yield on their deposits while also benefiting other users who have deposited into the vault.


Currently, Concentrator Harvesters only earn yield from aCRV, aFRX and afrxETH. By allowing them to compound their yield into asdCRV, they can earn additional yield and increase the overall efficiency of the harvesting process. The purpose is to provide higher compounding APYs to Concentrator harvesters. Stake DAO will help to harvest the relevant harvesters to guarantee better user experience.


We propose that the Aladdin team add the ability for Concentrator Harvesters biggest pools to compound their yield into asdCRV. This would enable Concentrator Harvesters to earn additional yield while also benefiting other users who have deposited into the vault.

For Add Concentrator Harvesters to compound into asdCRV
Against Don’t Add Concentrator Harvesters to compound into asdCRV

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  • Nay, I’m against

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Honestly can’t think of any drawbacks to this…seems to be positive sum for all involved.


I have funds in the USDT+crvUSD Harvester compounding asdCRV rewards.
Since deposit there has not been a single harvest and the asdCRV tokens accumulate in the GUI. I can’t manually harvest since I do not have 2.5k veCTR to my disposal.
When will the periodically harvest happen?