什么时候 可以回本啊 一直跌一直跌

A simple description of the proposal’s end result and desired change; should be no more than a few succinct sentences.

Explain why this proposal is necessary or useful for the protocol. You can add visual elements such as charts to support their arguments.

Lay out your proposal - explain how it is going to tackle the issue at hand and present the action items.

Polling Period
The polling process begins now and will end at HH:MM UTC on DD/MM/YYYY. If Quorum is reached, a Snapshot Vote will be put up at HH:MM UTC on DD/MM/YYYY.

For Action taken if this proposal is accepted. * Nov '21-此部分指定用于之前在社区 Discord 或一般论坛中讨论过的提案的最终版本。任何其他提案将被删除。基于…
Against Action taken if this proposal is rejected.

哈哈哈 不知道怎么弄,随便复制粘帖了。 一直跌的币如何吸引眼球 .没有交易量就没有流动性 很多人根本不知道有这么一回事。偶然来个百分之二十的涨幅就住够吸引人了. 基本就没有过 .