After some background talk, we came up with the following format to do this
DeFi Dad, Adam Cochran, Eraser Li, and Martin Krung (Me) will each host a call and organize them as a group leader.
We are looking for a 5 person to be a host/group leader.
Why we do this?
The goal of this:
- Give the broader public a better way to judge the candidates by seeing how they approach the task to review a project
- Raise public awareness about AladdinDao
- Bonding between future boule members
- Bootstrap the broader community (a good working community of boule members will spill over to the broader community)
Task: Make a review of a chosen DeFi project
Every candidate should present a review of a project in 5 minutes to showcase his skills. The form is open, it can be only done by talking, or slides, demo, but after the call the review should be accessible in here.
We don’t want this a shill event, so people should avoid projects where they are very much personally involved. Each candidate should be transparent in his relation to the project and give information about his connection and motivation to review this particular project.
We narrowed this to DeFi project, but we also could open this up. There are infrastructure project too and are NFT project DeFi?
We are competitors in this, but it has to be fun too
This all should be a friendly competition and make fun too. Me personally will try to present this more as a game show than a competition.
proposed structure of the call (draft)
We have 41 candidates right now, so each group leader has to recruit 8 candidates for his team. One must have 9 candidates to make it to the 41.
Call should not exceed 2 h.
- Welcome everyone
- Telling the public why we do this
- Short overview, who are the candidates today. Best is if the candidates themselves say one sentence which project they review. Until this point, the project should be unknown to all others. This is to get the ball rolling and get the candidates involved into speaking in the call.
? What happens if two people have the same project in the same team, maybe the host has to know the project beforehand?
candidates present his review, directly followed by a brief discussion
- Each candidate then has 5 minutes to present his project. I strongly suggest turning the camera on for this. After each call, there is time for questions for the candidate, this should not take more than 5 minutes. I would suggest that the other team members ask first, because they are friendly and anyway engaged in the call, but everyone in the call is free to ask. Questions can also be written in the chat in zoom and then are asked by the host.
The timing must be hold for the presentation, discussion may take longer than 5 min, but nor more than 10 min. The host is responsible for this! Maybe a sidekick should be responsible for the timing.
8 * 15 min = 2 h = too long!
8 * 10 min = 1 h 20 min, okay
- Host ask question from the broader public which may raise during the live call
- public forum, everyone is welcome to ask questions or add information on what we just heard
I would prefer that people who speak turn the camera on. I think the candidates for sure should, if they don’t insist on being anon, people asking question don’t have to.
Assigned task to group leaders
The group leaders have the following task:
- coordinating with other group leaders to have similar structure for the call, see draft above
- organizing his team and make sure everyone is well-prepared for the call
- find a date for the call
- organizing and host the call, manage time (5min per review!)
- collecting presentation notes and/or make the candidates publish them on the forum.
- use his social media channel to inform the public about ongoing stuff
- Compensation for all elected boule members 0.03% ALD as sign up bonus
- Compensation for the host/group leader 0.01% ALD
- Compensation for the group leader in the team who can get most candidates vote into the boule will be an extra 0.05% ALD. If the number in several teams is equal, this amount will be split.
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